Help for the Polish School at Egliszki

The Polish school at Egliszki in Vilnius region will be renovated. It is the next common action of Caritas and Atlas Charity Foundation.

175 Polish children have started to study at the school at Egliszki this year. All subjects are taught in Polish, except of Lithuanian, English and German of course. There are 38 Polish schools in Vilnius region and all of them offer high level of education.

The building looks picturesque but its technical condition is very bad.

The level of education has nothing to do with the standard of school the children study in.
Without help from compatriots we wouldn’t be able to function – Zbigniew Czech, director of the school at Egliszki says – financial support, classroom equipment, organised trips, it’s not possible to mention all. Now our biggest problem is one of the school buildings, which is in very poor condition. We are grateful for the help Caritas and Atlas Charity Foundation offered us.

Without the help from compatriots we wouldn’t be able to function normally – says Zbigniew Czech, director of the school at Egliszki (from the left). Nearby the priest Ireneusz Bradke, director of Caritas, a charitable organisation of the Catholic Church and Jolanta Rojek, the president of Atlas Charity Foundation.

We have been in touch with the schools in Vilnius region for years – says Ireneusz Bradtke, director of Caritas, a charitable organisation of the Catholic Church.
– I am under the impression of the teachers who give the children not only knowledge but spiritual values as well. In poor conditions they cultivate the old Polish traditions. Over there even school buildings have souls, probably because the teachers, children and their parents renovate them.

- After the visit to Egliszki we realised that the school needs professional technical help and money – says Jolanta Rojek, president of Atlas Charity Foundation. – Technical advisors of Atlas Group from Białystok prepared initial technical expertise and they will watch over the renovation works. Atlas Charity Foundation donated 100 thousand zlotys, which should cover the cost of the works.

The school at Egliszki needs major overhaul – Szczepan Zajkowski Atlas technical advisor checks the foundations of the building, Zbigniew Czech, director of the school behind and Jolanta Rojek, the president of Atlas Charity Foundation and the priest Ireneusz Bradtke, director o Caritas, a charitable organisation of the Catholic Church in the background.

- We invited the children and the teachers to Poland, to our “green school” at Warzenko near Tri-City for the time of renovation – says the priest Bradtke. At Warzenek they would study as they usual do and have other attractions. In a few days the teachers and parents will let us know if they accept our offer.

The level of education doesn’t go hand in hand with the standard of school.

Help for the school at Egliszki is another common undertaking of Caritas and Atlas Charity Foundation. Both organisations met a few years ago helping the people, who suffered the effects of flood in Gdansk, then they made an attempt to build and run the hospice in Sopot. The hospice has functioned since May 2004.